Our Firm
At Araya & Domínguez Abogados we distinguish ourselves by the excellence of the service we provide to our clients, through a close relationship, with the highest ethical standards and assuming the commitment to search for timely and appropriate legal solutions for each of their needs.
Clients value our interest in understanding in depth the business or industry in which they work, which allows us to provide comprehensive and proactive advice. We are motivated not only by the quick and effective solution of our clients’ problems and needs, but also by contributing to add value to each business, identifying risks, contingencies and opportunities for improvement.
At Araya & Domínguez Abogados we value and encourage lasting, collaborative and trusting relationships with our clients.
Practice Areas

El Contrato de Construcción en Chile. Análisis Económico y Jurisprudencial.
Resumen Los contratos de construcción, y en especial aquellos de suma alzada, están diseñados no solo para traspasar el riesgo de precio desde el mandante

Serie Notas y Artículos de Interés
PETRÓLEO & GAS Resolución del Tribunal de Defensa de la Libre Competencia. DERECHO DEL TRABAJO Y PREVISIÓN SOCIAL Nueva Ley de Acoso Laboral. Acoso Sexual,

Oil Regulation by Getting the Deal Through
Archivos Oil Regulation Chile 2012 Oil Regulation Chile 2011 Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research. This article was first published in Getting the Deal